Business Matchmaking

Service Areas

The first contact with potential buyers is usually the most difficult step that a company has to face when they are trying to enter in a new market. A lot of factors like the time difference, the language or the cultural differences make it an almost impossible mission even to have an initial conversation with them.

Since its foundation, MULTIVESTINDO created a network in every country in South East Asia especially in Indonesia and help the foreign companies to do this first step. With our experience and advise, we ensure that you have proper meetings with key players and you will be well prepared to face them. Thereby, the ratio of success of our clients increases exponentially to sell in South East Asia.

Trade Mission

Trade mission is a set of multisector meetings/conferences between two or more companies.. With this service, we offer you the chance to introduce, promote, and expose your products to Indonesian companies and vice versa. A trade mission allows all parties involved to explore new business opportunities. By understanding the needs and perspectives of other players in the sector, companies could open up the possibility to collaborate with one another.

As part of our procedure, companies that would like to take part in the Trade Mission are required to provide several details about their company, such as:

  1. Technical information about their products and/or services and their HS code (if available).
  2. Goals and sales channels the company seeks in the country where the trade mission is taking place.
  3. Detailed criterias of for their potential partners.
  4. Detailed information about their experience in their respective sectors and in the region.
  5. Details about their advantages over competitors.

Trade Mission Procedure:

  1. Discuss Partner Preference
    To kick off the Trade Mission, all the respective companies will be summoned to a joint video call session. Subsequently, individual meetings with the companies will also be held. In these individual meetings, the companies will have a chance to describe the ideal profile of partner they would like to have. Afterwards, MULTIVESTINDO will find them through offline search, online search, internal database, and external database.
  2. Present the Database
    MULTIVESTINDO will present a database filled with at least 30 potential partners for our clients which includes introductory information about the company and the products they sell/produce/. The client will get the chance to rank their preferred companies from an A-D scale (A being very interesting, while D does not match the requirements). Based on this choice, MULTIVESTINDO will filter the chosen companies and set up a meeting.
  3. Arrange Meetings with the Chosen Company
    MULTIVESTINDO will contact the chosen companies to set a meeting. This meeting is always arranged with high level management involved (CEO, General Manager, Purchasing Manager). The meetings will be held online through Zoom, Google Meet or Microsoft Teams. MULTIVESTINDO will provide one representative in the meeting to introduce the companies to each other. A MULTIVESTINDO technician is also on standby to solve any issues that might occur.

Supplier Sourcing

In order to enhance your company’s operations in Indonesia, we highly recommend you to establish partnerships with local companies. Manufacturing your products will be easier if you are well connected to local suppliers. However, identifying the right suppliers and contacting the decision-makers can be difficult at times. With our extensive database and network, we can link you with the finest suppliers in the market that suit your criteria.

  1. Establishing Database
    In addition to our existing database, we will expand our search for suppliers through online search, offline search, MULTIVESTINDO’s networks, and Customs’ Export Database Upon the finalization of the database, we will give you a list of 15-20 companies in accordance with the profile and criteria you are looking for. The database will be filled with a brief introduction and description of the company, webpage, location, and type of products. You will then be given the chance to rank these companies from a scale of A to D (A means you’re very interested and D means the company does not match the requirements).
  2. Contacting the chosen suppliers
    Our team will then contact the companies of your choice in order to arrange a meeting. The meeting will be arranged with people in charge of the respective fields (export manager, sales manager, sales responsible, etc.). With our expertise, we will make sure you can get a schedule to meet the potential suppliers
  3. Online meetings
    When the date and time of meeting are agreed by both parties, MULTIVESTINDO will set up an online meeting on platforms such as Zoom, Google Meet, or Microsoft Teams. One person from MULTIVESTINDO will be present in the meeting as an intermediary that introduces the companies and makes sure everything goes well. Should any technical difficulty happen, a MULTIVESTINDO technician will work to solve the issue


MULTIVESTINDO is one of the largest practices in the country, being an investment partner for multinational companies, joint ventures and domestic companies operating in various business sectors.

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