Business Setup

Service Areas

As the biggest country in Southeast Asia, Indonesia is a developing country which possesses a great deal of opportunity when it comes to business. Setting up a company in Indonesia allows you to grasp the chance to develop your business.

We offer types of companies to be established such as foreign companies, joint ventures, foreign individuals, and we will setup according to your wishes.

  1. Foreign Company, All fees and capital will be charged by the company.
  2. Joint Venture, costs will be divided according to the portion of shares to be agreed by both parties.
  3. Foreign individuals. All fees and capital are charged by foreign individuals

Foreign-owned companies can only participate in large scale businesses. Furthermore, foreign-owned companies are prohibited to partake in sectors like: narcotics, gambling and casino, chemical weapons, etc.

In Indonesia, foreign company registration falls under the category of a known term in the Company Law as Perseroan Terbatas Penanaman Modal Asing (PT PMA) or Foreign-Owned Limited Liability Company. The term is used to define all investments made by foreign entities in Indonesia, either as an individual, a fully owned foreign company, be it single venture or joint venture alongside the Indonesian companies or legal entities.

Foreign Direct Investment Company (also known as Foreign Owned Company) or PT PMA is limited liability companies. They may either be completely foreign-owned or established through a joint venture with Indonesian partners in accordance with the Negative Investment List.

Company Establishment

Company establishment or company registration in Indonesia is complicated because it involves many legal requirements and regulations, although it can be easier if you are familiar with local business registration regulations. With our extensive experience and network, MULTIFESTINDO can help you through all the processes and assist you according to the type of company such as a foreign company, joint venture or foreign individual that you wish to obtain the necessary permits and documents to register a company and operate legally in Indonesia. . We will become investment partner if you wish for a joint venture with an agreed distribution of shares

Foreign Company Registration Procedures
Preparations of Establishment Documents:

  1. Details about the company
  2. Electronic Letter of Completion, stating that the applicant has collected all the necessary documents.
  3. Deed of Establishment (Akta Pendirian), a document that verifies the establishment of the company, which consists of the complete Articles of Association of the Company and signed with the presence of a notary. This document will then be uploaded to the Legal Entity Administration System (SABH) of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights by the Notary.
  4. Detailed information about their experience in their respective sectors and in the region.
  5. The Deed of Establishment will then be submitted to the SABH in accordance with the Company Establishment Form and the aforementioned document will be uploaded to the system by the Notary.
The Publication of the Certificate of PT Registration (Sertifikat Pendaftaran PT)
Upon submission, the documents uploaded for the application will be verified and processed by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. Should the submission be accepted, the certificate will be issued and the Company would acquire the legal entity status afterwards.

Business Facilities

What to consider when making a business facility decision One of the major decisions a business owner has to make is choosing the facility to run his business. Business facilities that will suit your needs whether your business will only need an office, or need a warehouse for storing goods or building factories and warehouses for the needs of the manufacturing and distribution industry

MULTIVESTINDO will provide the best solution according to your business type. when you need a location for the manufacturing industry we will find the best, strategic and cheap location that is suitable for your business needs. Our services are also ready to build factories and warehouses that will be used as your business

Business Process

Maximum effectiveness and efficiency in business operations will encourage companies to focus more on strategic functions and business growth.

MULTIVESTINDO is an end-to-end business process management solution. This service works centrally by consolidating the operational activities of the company's business

Accounting Services

Our accounting services are tailored to meet the needs of your business. We understand that each company is unique, and we take that into account when providing you with the most accurate record-keeping and financial reporting.

Businesses are often faced with complex issues involving income tax, sales tax, and other taxes. Our consulting is here to help you understand your tax obligations, minimize your tax liability and maximize your return on investment.

Recruitment Services

Finding the right candidates for your company can sometimes be difficult at times especially if you are looking for high quality candidates. Most of the high quality candidates do not position themselves as actively seeking for job simply because they have a trusted specialist recruiter who commits to job applications on their behalf which makes them unreachable otherwise. MULTIVESTINDO has strong networks to help connect you to the high quality candidates and handle the recruitment for your company effectively.


MULTIVESTINDO is one of the largest practices in the country, being an investment partner for multinational companies, joint ventures and domestic companies operating in various business sectors.

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